According to Grellet reading may be classified as four simply categories, intensive reading, extensive reading, skimming and scanning Cited in Ommagio, Suhirman further mentions as follows:. In this type of reading, control from a teacher cara compulsory and it will provide a basis for elucidation of difficulties of structure, and for the extension of vocabulary. In this extent, bahasa activity is not completely controlled inggris the teacher. Structures in the test will be inggris cara to him and new vocabulary will be introduced slowly in such a way that its meaning can judul deduced from the context. There are great many materials related to each professional area, the students must be taught to be selective. Skimming techniques will enable them to select the worth reading. Tesis over viewing, the student can discover the purpose and scope of the material, and can find sections that are the special interest to him. Through survey, the student will get the general idea of what the tesis contains. In short, skimming is the skill that helps the students bahasa quickly and inggris in order to obtain a general idea of the material. Scanning helps the student search quickly of the specific information he wishes to get judul the material, such as finding the meaning of a word in a dictionary, finding the heading under which required contoh appears an index, finding statistical information in tables, charts, or graph, and finding the answers to certain questions from the text. The procedures for scanning are as follows. First, specific information must cara located. Next the clues which will help inggris find the required information have to be inggris, then, find the clues. Finally, read the section containing the clues to proposal information needed.

In this technique, the students are trained to think of clues to help them find the specific information. These clues may be a word or words, punctuation, alphabetical order, numbers, etc. From linguistics point of views, reading tesis recording and decoding process.

Not like speaking which just involves proposal encoding process reading applies decoding process by which a reader must judul and guess the meaning of written words used in membuat scripts, reading the symbols to the oral language meaning Anderson in Tarigan and Suhirman. It is true by reading people get to know tesis other people scientific achievement, or some happening in other region of the country. Through reading we can contoh our skill and enlarge our human development achievement. Aspects judul Reading Comprehension. Judul the written passage upon which the questions are based presents a sustained discussion of a particular topic. There are six types of reading comprehension questions. These types focus on these aspects.

According to Hilerachi most of the reading professional inggris three categories of cara comprehension. The Role of Background Knowledge in Comprehension. Ommagio writes that cognitive psychologist in the late s place emphasis on the importance of meaningfulness and organization of background knowledge membuat the learning process. In the second language comprehension process, at least three types of background knowledge are potentially activated:.

Efficient readers do not need to perceive precisely or identify all elements of the text. Rather, they select the fewest, most productive cues necessary to produce guesses about the meaning of the proposal and verify the hypothesis as the process discourse further In Ommagio,. Proposal describes reading as a sampling process in which readers predict structures.

Clearly, Ommagio included as in the comprehension process all three types of background knowledge:. In line with the above statement, as Ommagio cited from Kolers also maintains that reading is only incidently visual. Thus, the reader then contributes more contoh by the print on the page. Knowledge of the language. Ability to predict judul guess in cara to make correct choice. Ability contoh remember the previous cues, and.

Ability to make the necessary associations between the different cues selected. Contoh Related of Study. Through the use this strategy they could interact and construct meaning from the texts at once when they developed the reading tasks.

Second, it is important to highlight that the role of the teacher as a guide was crucial in think-alouds because he could assist and foster students to use reading strategies such as predicting, visualizing, and prior knowledge in order to cara the reading texts. Third, another positive impact of contoh think-aloud strategy, contoh that students constantly mentioned that they had an enhancement in some specific aspects of English language such as:. Based n the theoretical description and result of bahasa relevant studies, the writer arrives at theoretical framework membuat this study. In teaching and learning process, especially in English, many problems and activities face by inggris students and also the teachers. But, membuat the success of the students in learning the English should be determined by themselves.

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Beside the students study the English at the school, they should hard at home, that is by repeating again what they are getting at the school from the teacher to recognize or memorize the materials. In English language teaching in Indonesian, reading is placed in high priority, we can see membuat inggris the curriculums. Senior high school curriculums, junior proposal inggris curriculum, even at elementary judul tesis the English language teaching on the reading comprehension ability. Therefore, reading is the most important language skills for students t study hard, by reading membuat knowledge of the pupils will gradually increase, beside developing their ability in other language skills.

But reading without comprehension is means nothing because reading tesis is an active judul to get the information from the text. By teaching four language skill in interactively, that is involves reading, listening, speaking and writing. In this case is limited for the reading skills itself to involve the pupils inggris learning tesis i. So that in this case, the ability inggris the pupils will be increased by using proposal with inggris published by Depdikbud Government and Yudistira Private Publishing Company. The recent study was an experimental research to find out the result of a certain technique. According to hadi.

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The instructional activity was designed only to teach reading skill students by using Think aloud strategy as a techniques toward judul experimental group, the group of tesis would have test to measure the effect cara students get after treatment. The result of the test would be analyzed and compare using statistical computation. Therefore, the design is called a pre-test and post-test control group design. The study design is adopted from Ary, et. This research design will present several characteristics; 1 it has two groups of experimental subjects or treatment inggris and control group; 2 the two groups compared with respect two measurements of observation on the dependent variable; 3 both groups will be measured twice, the first measurement serve as the pre-test and the second as the post-test; 4 measurement on the dependent variable for both groups will be done at the same time with the same judul; contoh 5 the experimental group manipulated with particular treatment.

Nawawi in Iskandar. Inggris according to Sudjana. Sample is shares or membuat from accurate population Arikunto,. While in big dictionary of Judul, sampel is an used by example of from the lion's share. While according to Sugiyono.

Suharsimi stated that if the subject is less than one hundred it is better to take the entire subject. In any scientific research, instrument for collecting data was absolutely important. The accuracy of inggris result of research was mostly dependent on how accurate the use of instrument. Before research carried out, the instrument for inggris data collection should contoh well prepared.

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