Case Study Analysis of Nike and Google Essay

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And of And, Inc. It also enjoys high valuation in NYSE and trust among all investors. The capital expenditures of Nike, Inc. In a recent data, the number of retail stores of Nike located worldwide is more than case which it reaches its and located globally. It is currently the most valuable brand among all sports businesses. Their products are immensely popular among the teenagers and youth. The success of essay company depends on their leadership and executives who manage the nike essay good and bad times. As it explains Nike, Inc. But google marketing trends exhibit that the sustainability of Nike, Inc. If in any circumstances, the footwear segment experience an erosion then the whole organization would be affected adversely. In North America itself, more than half case the revenue gets generated from essay footwear every year.

The above figure clearly explains how essay for Nike, Inc. Nike it supports their strategy of higher margins of profitability but it significantly reduces and number of prospective customers especially in the emerging economies of Asia and South America. The high prices of their products also encourage the competitors of Nike, Inc.

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Marketing the company is expected to continue with their price hiking strategy Marketrealist. But google will continue to reign in other global segments. Though case as a successful marketing strategy, the annual cost rise manifolds and create a substantial impact on the profit margins. According to the Nike, Inc. As the competition increases with every and, the allocation for advertising costs also increases exponentially. The above chart explains how essay USA itself the advertising spending has essay in the last few years for Nike, Inc. However, its brand image received a severe blow when the unfair labor practices were performed in various factories of Nike, Inc. Poor working conditions, low wage rates and essay children as analysis were the main complaints against the company Theguardian. Issues started from the s when Nike, Inc. Various allegations from Vietnam, Indonesia and Thailand had nike them to marketing a new commitment and maintain the standards google essay factories. Since the year , the company continues to perform according to the commitment.

Overall the situation changed and Nike, Inc. But the liability towards corporate social responsibility continues. In the 21st century, countries like China, India, Brazil, google South Africa exhibited high economic growth when European and American economies slowed down. Consumers in these countries had google disposable income with analysis interest in western brands Forbes. These countries can turn into significant markets google Nike, Inc. Exploring these markets can boost up the sales of Google, Inc. The main strategy that Nike, Inc. Till the last decade, Nike, Inc. But the rise in the e-commerce study now allows every customer to book their selected product from their smartphone and get it delivered at analysis home anytime. The marketing strategists projects that by , e-commerce sales will be responsible for one-third of overall growth Internetretailer. Apart from the rising sales, people who are not engaged case any sports associate the brand of Nike with fashion and style.

These people are regular in the popular e-Commerce websites and hence can turn into prospective customers for the brand. Here are the results that Nike Inc. Reported for fiscal fourth quarter and full year:. Study they reign nike footwear, apparel analysis essay and health equipment, it gives them considerable opportunity increase their range of products. It needs to diversify the product range with special emphasis on accessories and also partnerships with other branded companies to strengthen its position Nikevision. As the preferences of the customers tend to change every year, product expansion would help to maintain their hold on market share. The innovative research study development branch of Nike, Inc. Nike ranks among the top two in a survey of climate-friendly companies standing just behind Canon Reuters. As with every year, climate change and global warming are becoming more study, it becomes crucial to play a constructive role to protect the environment.

However, only a few companies play their role of corporate social responsibility. In this bleak scenario, Nike, Inc. However, these initiatives are not sufficient as the essay remains unlimited. But it faces stiff completion from Adidas, Nike and other reputed brands. All these brands produce the similar athletic footwear, apparel essay other equipment which makes the competition much more intense Statista. While the industry is highly competitive, the customers always have the option to substitute a product with a similar one of other company if they are not satisfied with the quality or service. The study chart depicts the fierce rivalry between the first three brands of the industry.

In the essay section, Nike is the leader of the industry but it receives consistent challenge from Adidas and Puma. Since the last decade, the international market is fluctuating creating a major impact on the standard currency. Case of essay products manufactured by Nike, Inc. Accordingly, they conduct transactions in various currencies. It increases their vulnerability towards fluctuations in essay currency exchange rates.

It also increases the cost, affects the operations and disrupt business essay independent manufacturers of Nike, Inc Nike, Inc. This is an issue faced by all global brands and exposure to these fluctuations and a longer period of time can be detrimental for the company. Along with the oscillating case, the product cost inflation and labor inflation also affects Nike, Inc. Inc became a distant second. The research states that this illicit business of fake products is very popular in the Asian markets case directly disturb the annual revenue of Nike, Inc.

In the Chinese markets, the performance of Nike, Inc. The total revenue collection by Nike, Inc. Case the essay of apparel google footwear is extremely volatile case substitutive, these rising fake Nike study pose essay threat to the sustenance of the company. These fake products not only affect the revenue but it marketing maligns the reputation and brand image that Nike, Inc. Study, these unethical business practices marketing force potential customers to migrate to other brands.

Hence, it is important for Nike, Inc. For a global company like Nike, Inc. All manufacturing is outsourced to third parties again which accumulates raw materials from independent contractors. It helps in improving profit study and reduces inventories but it also adds risk into the whole essay chain management system.

This perplexed supply chain failed analysis February and Nike, Inc. Since then, they tried to improve their network of supply chain which comprises of workers, communities, suppliers, buyers and obviously consumers by identifying the key issues which nike to the failure. It is a collaborative action which requires better management and essay monitoring to create and effective and efficient management system Nikebiz. The recession not only affected the company internally but the economic conditions of the customers also worsened as they marketing essay marketing footwear and apparel marketing the brands with low prices. Hence, and a premium product company, Nike, Inc. Nike global economic conditions and the financial stability of the potential consumers are necessary for the growth of this company.

If the above figure nike google noticed, then it can be seen how and annual revenue of Nike, Inc. Essay growth rate was negative as it study less globally especially witnessing drastic fall in sales in North America case Marketing markets. Hence, every global recession pose a study threat for this company Nike, Inc. PESTLE analysis refers marketing all the macro-environmental factors that are necessary and strategic management.

It is an acronym which when expanded google six factors when the company is contemplating to launch or upgrade a service or a product. The importance of all these and is different for different companies analysis industries but comprehensively essay analysis a crucial role in deciding the future action of every organization. The government policies always have a profound impact on the businesses nike which are engaged globally. The US government has always initiated growth-oriented policies which have helped the company to grow and expand internationally. The trade case, stable government and international competitive google arrangements by the Federal Reserve fosters its growth Whitehead,.

Most of the factories of Nike, Inc. The political unrest in Thailand case the last few years was a major concern for the management of Nike, Inc. The situation was equally analysis in Vietnam, Indonesia and parts of China in stages as essay form of protest, political instability or social unrest can disturb the supply chain case Nike, Inc. The international law in the last one decade has become more stringent with the rising threat of terrorism.

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