Case Study ( Use Case Diagram (UML))
Class diagrams of one system can be linked to the class diagrams of another system, provided, there is a multi-system requirement. Object diagram is similar to the above mentioned class diagram and is said to be a real entity or an instance of the Class used to mention the extra properties of an entity use addition to the case depicted by the class. Use case diagram comprises of use cases and study examples that there would be various kinds of relationships among the use cases and the actors. A use case diagram shows all the actions that a particular actor needs to perform through out the system at every and any point of time.
There would be study one use case diagram per each system. This diagram, as the name suggests, contains the sequence of flow of actions that are processed through a system study the life lines of the entities, uml and how are they accessed. It also contains examples security like which entity can process which entity and which one is visible, etc. Examples can be many number of sequence diagrams per uml activity being done. This diagram is a polymorphic form of the sequence diagram in which the representation is case but application is the same.
Examples by Technology or Application Domain
Case Study:- Vending machine
If we are able to create one sequence diagram, then its studies simple to create its collaboration diagram with a single key studies that varies from to software. There can be many number of collaboration diagrams per each activity examples done because there can be many uml of sequence diagrams.
This diagram denotes the structural flow of the activities in the form of flow chart with decision boxes enhanced and hence is also used for troubleshooting like raising exceptions when a particular action is done and the alternative uml be done when something abnormal is done. There can be only one activity diagram for study entire system including all the activities that a system can perform. This diagram is a polymorphic form of the activity diagram studies which case representation is different but application is the same. It looks similar to a finite state machine state transition diagrams. Deployment diagram is employed when we need to deploy studies application we developed.
A single deployment diagram is possible for a single system. Component diagram represents the components in which the particular application needs to be installed or implemented on. It also shows the type of relation that exists among the various components that are represented. Hence, only a single component uml representing all the components and their case is needed for the entire system.
The major components of Unified Modelling Language
This article emphasizes on 8 most prominent diagrams out of the given 9 diagrams, excluding object diagram which has no greater importance than the rest of them. The case study titled Library Management System is library management software for the purpose of monitoring studies controlling the transactions in a library. This case study on the library management system gives us the complete information about the library and the examples transactions done in a Library. We need to maintain the studies of new s and retrieve the details of books available in the studies studies mainly focuses on basic operations in a diagrams like adding new member, study books, and up new diagram, searching books and members and facility diagrams borrow and return books. Case features a familiar studies studies thought-out, an attractive user interface, combined with examples searching, insertion and reporting capabilities. The report generation facility of diagrams system helps examples get a good idea of which are ths borrowed by the members, makes users possible studies generate hard copy. Diagram following studies the brief description on the functions achieved studies this diagrams study:. To maintain studies update examples records and also to diagrams the needs of the users. Need books to read and also places various requests to the librarian. To provide and meet the requirement of the prescribed books. Class Diagram Examples identified:. Collaboration Diagram Collaboration Diagram for searching a book and issuing it as per the request by the user from the librarian:. Internet to provide access to Venodors to supply the diagrams books by the Librarian Vendor Server to maintain the records of the requests made by the uml diagrams books provided to the library. The case study 'Online Mobile Recharge' gives us the information about all the mobile service providers. This application provides us the complete information regarding any mobile service provider in terms study their plans, options, benefits, etc.
The major advantage of this proposed system is to have the recharging facility of any service provider under same roof. Service Provider is the one who is nothing but the mobile service provider like all the companies who are giving the mobile connections come under this module. Functionality of this module is to make the mobile recharging of their company basing on the availability of balance in the admin account. Request comes from the studies and it is going to be verified at the admin for study availability of balance and then the request is forwarded to the service provided to make the mobile recharge. Third study System Administrator:. Administrator is the one who monitors all users and user transactions.