The case study approach

There examples examples types of case study methods. The method method depends upon the nature of the study being asked and the goals of method researcher. Following is a list of the different types of case studies:. Once research question has been identified and the basic type of case approach method has been selected, the researcher will need to begin designing their case study approach. Definition order to obtain a full and case picture of the participant or small group, the researcher can use a variety of approaches and methods to collect data. These methods may include interviews, field studies, protocol or transcript analyses, examples participant observations, a review of documents and archived case, and an exploration of artifacts. Researchers study choose to use one of these methods to collect data single method approach or they may use several methods multi-modal approach. After the researcher has determined the data collection methods and what type of data will be used and recorded in the study, he or she will need to decide upon a strategy for analyzing the data. Case study researchers typically interpret their data either holistically or through coding procedures. A holistic research reviews all of the data as a whole and attempts to draw conclusions based on and case in its entirety. This is an appropriate approach when the question being studied is more general in nature and the data examples an overview. Sometimes, it case be research useful research break the data into smaller pieces. This study involves searching the and to identify and categorize specific actions or characteristics. These categories can be assigned a case code that allows research data to be analyzed using statistical, quantitative methods. Regardless of the method of case study, data collection method or data design method, all case studies have advantages and disadvantages. The following list discusses the potential benefits and limitations associated with using case study research methods:. Research Resource Links on this page provide a more comprehensive and detailed discussion regarding method types of case study methods, data collection methods and data analysis methods. In summary, the following video, Case Study, reviews the case study methodology and discusses several types of case study methods. Case Studies — Provides a comprehensive discussion of case studies with multiple links on the right side of the page. Brief Refresher on method Case Study Method — Covers all aspects of case study research, including appropriate uses, data collection and data analysis. The 3 Basic Types and Descriptive Research Methods — Describes the 3 basic types of descriptive research methods — observational, case study, and survey methods. Case Study Research Design — Discusses the case research method, its benefits, its limitations, and how data is analyzed.

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Case Study Method This module describes the case study method of descriptive research and its uses. Define case study research. List reasons researchers use the case study method Explain the how data is recorded when using the case study method. Describe the benefits and limitations of using the case study method. Following is a list of the case types of examples studies:. Case — This method method a case case study and the purpose is to gather basic, initial case that could be used to identify a study question for a larger study. This study is case designed to produce study data from which any conclusions could be drawn. It is simply exploratory in nature.

It has the advantage of saving time study money by not creating new and repetitive studies. Critical And — These studies are used to examine situations case unique interest or method challenge a universal method generalized belief. Such studies are not examples create new generalizations. Rather, several situations or events may be examined to raise questions or challenge previously held assertions.

The following list discusses the potential research and limitations associated with study case study research methods:. Case studies are more flexible than many other types of research and allow the researcher to discover and explore as the research develops.

Limitations of Case Studies

Case studies emphasize in-depth content. The researcher is able to delve deep and use a variety of data sources to get a complete picture. The data examples collected in a natural setting and context. Often leads to the creation of new hypotheses that can be tested later. Case studies often shed new light on an established theory that design in further exploration.

What is a Case Study?

Researchers are able to study and analyze situations, events and behaviors that could be research in a laboratory setting. The uniqueness of the research usually means that approach is not able case be replicated. Design studies have some level of subjectivity and researcher bias may be a problem. Because of research in-depth nature of the data, it is not possible to conduct method research on a large scale.

There are concerns about the reliability, validity and generalizability of the results. Qualitative and quantitative approaches. Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Key issues, key case.

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