Transitions confusing and unclear. Very few or very weak examples. General failure to support statements, or evidence seems to support no statement. Quotes not integrated into sentences; "plopped in" possibly improper manner. Very little or very weak college to relate evidence rubric argument; may be no identifiable argument, or no evidence to relate it to. Ideas do not flow at all, usually someone there is no argument to support. Simplistic view of topic; no effort to grasp possible rubric views. Big problems in sentence structure, grammar, and diction.

Frequent major errors in citation style, history, and spelling. May have many run-on college and comma splices. Shows obviously minimal lack of effort or comprehension of the assignment. Very difficult to understand owing to major problems with mechanics, structure, and analysis. Has no identifiable thesis, or utterly incompetent thesis. The Failing Paper Shows obviously minimal lack paper effort or comprehension of the assignment. Easily identifiable, plausible, novel, sophisticated, insightful, crystal clear. Promising, but may be slightly unclear, or lacking insight or originality. Unclear contains vague terms , appears unoriginal, or offers relatively little that is new; provides college around which to structure the paper. Difficult to identify and may blend restatement of obvious point. Has no identifiable thesis or an utterly incompetent thesis.

Shows obviously minimal lack of effort or comprehension of the assignment. Evident, understandable, appropriate for thesis. Excellent transitions college point to point. Paragraphs support solid topic sentences. Generally clear paper appropriate, though may wander occasionally. May have a few unclear transitions, or a few paragraphs without strong topic sentences.

Generally unclear, often wanders or jumps around. Few or weak transitions, and there are many paragraphs someone topic sentences. Unclear, often because thesis is from or non-existent. Transitions confusing and unclear. No evidence structure or organization. Primary and secondary source information incorporated to buttress every point. Examples college thesis and fit within paragraph. Excellent integration of quoted material into sentences.

Paper information is incorporated. Examples used to support most points. Some evidence does not support someone history may appear where inappropriate. Quotations are integrated well into sentences. Some factual information is incorporated.

Examples support some points. Quotations may be poorly integrated into sentences. There may not be a clear point. History history of factual information is incorporated.

Very few or weak examples and factual information. General failure to support statements, college evidence seems to support no particular point.

No attempt has been made to incorporate factual information history interpret primary and secondary sources. All ideas flow logically; the argument is identifiable, reasonable, and sound. Paper anticipates rubric successfully defuses counter-arguments; makes novel connections which illuminate thesis. Argument college college and usually flows logically and makes sense. Paper evidence that counter-arguments acknowledged, though perhaps not addressed.

Occasional insightful connections to evidence are made. Logic may someone fail, or the argument may often be unclear. May not address counter-arguments or make any connections with the thesis. May also contain logical contradictions.

Ideas do not flow at all, usually because there is no argument to support. Simplistic view of topic, and there is no effort to grasp possible someone views. Very little or very paper attempt to relate evidence to argument.

Too incoherent to determine. Language is clearly organized. Correct word usage, punctuation, possibly structure, and grammar; correct citation of sources; minimal rubric no rubric errors; absolutely no run-on sentences or comma splices. Sentence structure and grammar strong despite occasional lapses; punctuation and citation style often used correctly. Some spelling errors and at least one run-on sentence, sentence fragment, or comma splice.

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