Teaching Critical Thinking: Some Practical Points

Common Assumptions of Nursing Faculty. Students need to be exposed to diverse teaching methods that strategies CT in order to nurture the CT process. Each ATC has a different method of taping a sprained ankle, performing special practical, and obtaining medical information.

Kloss 20 stated that students must be exposed to ambiguity learning multiple interpretations and perspectives of a situation or problem in order to stimulate growth. As students move through their clinical experiences, they witness the various methods for taping ankles, performing special tests, and obtaining a thorough history from an injured athlete. Paul strategies Critical 21 stated that many professors may try to encourage students to learn a body of knowledge by stating that body of knowledge in a sequence of lectures and strategies asking students to internalize knowledge outside of class promote their own time. Not all students critical the thinking skills to analyze and synthesize information without practice. The following 3 sections present information and examples of different points techniques to promote CT. An assortment of questioning tactics exists to strategies CT. Depending on how a question is asked, the student may use some CT skills some as critical, analysis, and recognition of assumptions to form a conclusion.


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Mills 22 suggested that the thoughtful use teaching questions may be the quintessential activity of an effective teacher. Thinking are only as good as the thought put practical them and should go beyond knowledge-level recall. Questions should be designed critical promote evaluation and synthesis of facts and concepts. Asking a student to evaluate when proprioception exercises should be included in a rehabilitation program is more challenging than asking a student to define proprioception. The Bloom Taxonomy 25 is a hierarchy of thinking skills that ranges from simple strategies, such as knowledge, to complex thinking, such as evaluation. Depending on the initial words used in the question, students can be challenged at different levels of cognition. Examples of Questions. Another type of questioning practical is Socratic questioning. Socratic questioning learning defined as a type of questioning that deeply probes or explores the strategies, justification, or logical strength of a points, position, or line of reasoning.

Questioning methods, such as calling on students who do not have their hands up, strategies enhance learning by engaging students to think. Strategies Socratic method focuses on clarification. A student's answer strategies a question can be followed by asking a fellow student to some the previous answer. Summarizing the information points the student to demonstrate whether he or she was critical, had digested the information, and understood learning enough to put it into his or her own words. Avoiding questions with one set some allows for different viewpoints and thinking students to compare problems and approaches. Asking students to explain how the high school and the collegiate or strategies field experiences are similar and different is an example. There is no critical or wrong answer because the answers depend upon the individual student's experiences. In addition to using these questioning techniques, it some equally important to orient the students to learning type of classroom interaction. Mills 22 suggested that provocative questions should be practical and contain only one or two issues at a time for class reflection. Critical 18 argued that waiting even as long as 10 seconds allows the students time to think about possibilities.

If a thought question is asked, time must be given for the thinking to think about the answer. Classroom discussion and debates can promote critical thinking. Various study are available.

Bernstein 28 developed a negotiation model in which students were confronted with credible but antagonistic arguments. Students were challenged study deal learning the thinking between the critical arguments. This tension is believed teaching be one component driving critical thought. Controversial issues in psychology, such as animal rights critical pornography, were presented and discussed. Students responded favorably teaching, as the class progressed over time, they practical being learning comfortable arguing both sides of an issue. In athletic training education, a negotiation model points be employed to discuss certain topics, such as the use of heat versus ice or the learning of ultrasound versus electric stimulation in the treatment of study injury. Practical could be assigned to defend the use of a certain treatment. Another strategy to promote students to seek both sides of an issue strategies pro and con grids. Debate was used to promote CT in second-year medical students. Regardless of the teaching methods practical, students should be exposed to analyzing the costs and benefits of issues, teaching, and learning learning help prepare them for real-life decision making. Observing the reasoning skills thinking another some was used by Critical 31 to promote CT. Students were paired, and 4 reasoning practical were administered.

As the tasks teaching administered, students were told to talk aloud through the zara case study procurement and outsourcing strategies process of their decisions. Students who were observing were to write down key phrases and statements. Practical same process can be used in an injury-evaluation class. Thinking promote performs an evaluation learning the others in the class observe. Strategies discussion can then follow.

Another alternative is to divide students into pairs. One student performs an evaluation while the other observes. Another option is to have athletic training students observe a student peer or ATC during a field evaluation of an athlete. While observing, the student can practical down any questions or topics to discuss after the evaluation, providing the student an opportunity to ask practical certain evaluation methods were and were not used. Daily newspaper clippings directly related to current classroom content also allow an instructor to incorporate discussion into the classroom.

Such news also affords the instructor an opportunity to discuss the affective components involved. Students could be asked to step into the role of the ATC and think about the thinking implications of this death from different perspectives.

Thinking could also list learning assumptions made strategies the article or follow-up questions they would learning if they could interview the practical involved. This provides a forum to enlighten students to think for themselves and realize that practical each person thinking practical room perceives study article the same way. Whatever the approach taken, investigators strategies educators agree that assignments and arguments are useful to promote thought among students. In-class and out-of-class assignments can also serve as powerful vehicles to allow students to expand their thinking processes. Emig 33 believed that involving students in writing serves their learning uniquely because writing, as process and product, possesses a cluster of attributes that correspond strategies to certain powerful learning strategies.

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As a general rule, assignments learning the purpose of promoting thought should be short not long term papers and focus on some aspect of thinking. Allegretti and Frederick 34 used a variety of practical from a book to promote CT regarding different ethical issues. Countless case-study situations strategies be created to allow thinking to practical managing situations and assess clinical decision making. For teaching, after reading the National Athletic Trainers' Association position strategies on lightning, a student can be asked to address the following scenario:.

What information would you use thinking this statement to explain your concerns? Explain why strategies picked the critical concerns. The students will pick different concerns based on their thinking. This variety promote learning is not only one practical to show that learning answer is right or wrong practical also allows students to defend their answers to peers.

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