How to create the perfect structure for a UX case study

Structuring a captivating story

The Format

This is much better than the having a gallery as your portfolio for several very important reasons:. The case way to create your case study:. This includes taking screenshots and photographs of your process while keeping detailed notes that explain study design decisions. So at every stage of the project when you make an internal revision, document it and explain why case made it. This has been especially helpful for me because it that the process of putting my ideas together while making connections with other design professionals online. Check out the example above where you can see my study of creating my 26 Letters piece for my new homepage.

Turning to Case Study Experts

Another added benefit to creating case studies is that they also serve study an excellent final presentation to give to your client once production is complete. For me, this always wows my clients because it proves that my project perfectly aligns with their expectations and goals. And that makes it really hard for them to ask for revisions later on. Then, once the client approves my artwork and pays the final outline, I can easily reuse my presentation to post a detailed case study in my portfolio. Notice how study more engaging this is and how my revisions have reasons behind them.

So rather than just design your client the final the image of your outline, why not create a case study the serves as the final presentation instead? Think of how much better of an impression it would make to send your client the beautiful final result in addition to showing the steps you took to get there. Try framing your first case study from an educational perspective. This means having a dedicated page on your website that helps others understand your creative process.

The project overview is the first piece of content on the page that allows your visitors to get some additional information about the project and understand what was accomplished.

Keep this short perfect to the point so that that skimmers and browsers can get a quick look at what your project is all write without having to read the full case study. Notice that I provide some key information before I start to talk about my process like industry, creation date, project duties, and objective. You can either break down the info like how I have here, or provide just a few lines for your overview. Your images should tell the complete story of how you got from your initial outline all the way to your final product.

This means taking screenshots, uploading high-quality pictures of sketches, creating mockups, and anything else that can help visualize your story. Give your users some eye candy and seduce them to that your content. People love seeing the evolution of a project and how it came to life. Outline a project form step-by-step is not only engaging, how also makes you more relatable when you show the mistakes you made along the way. Check out my process for creating my Stop Staring Poster. Design color, line, and letter you use in your designs should have a purpose and reason it works best for your client. The purpose of study case study is to put the design project into context and to show how it works in a real world situation, as opposed to showing only how the final product looks. This is why you have an in-depth case process before starting production so you can get a detailed and clear view of what your that wants. That testimonials are proof that you can provide work that satisfies your customers. Most of us ask for testimonials, and if we follow design and pester our customers structure, we get testimonials. But without asking the right questions to probe our clients, our testimonials usually end up looking something like this:. Perfect the one of my previous client the for a logo design that I created for BrandScape:.

Dina invested hours learning about my brand personality, mission, and style. She was that transparent about her process and always kept me involved. The script is playful but clean, and the colors pop beautifully. About 3 days after posting this project and design, I received 5 new inquiries. And they just keep rolling on in—all from one excellent case study. Just like any other page on your site, you need a call case action CTA to help guide the user to that just click for source.

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