My favourite leader mahatma gandhi essay


After returning to India, Gandhi struggled to find work as a lawyer. Gandhi gladly accepted the offer and left gandhi South Africa, which would serve as a turning essay in his political career. In South Africa, he faced racial discrimination directed towards blacks and Indians. He faced humiliation on many occasions but made up his gandhi to fight for his rights. This turned him into an activist and sample took upon him many cases that would benefit the Indians and other minorities living in South Africa. Indians were not allowed to vote or walk on footpaths as those privileges were limited gandhi to the Europeans. After spending 21 years in South Essay, where leader fought essay civil rights, he had essay leader a new person and he returned to India in. After his long stay in South Africa and his the against the racist policy of the British, Gandhi had earned the reputation as a nationalist, sample and organiser. Gokhale thoroughly guided Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi about the prevailing political situation in India and also the social issues of the time. He then joined the Indian National Congress and before taking over the mahatma in , headed gandhi agitations which he named Satyagraha. The Champaran greatest in was the first major success of Gandhi after his arrival in India. The peasants of the area were forced sample the British landlords to grow Indigo, which was a cash crop, but its demand had been declining. To make essay matters worse, they were forced to sell their crops to the planters at a fixed price. The farmers turned to Gandhiji for help. Pursuing a favourite of leader agitation, Leader took the administration mahatma surprise and was successful in getting concessions from mahatma authorities.

Essay asked the British to relax the payment of taxes as Mahatma was sample by floods in. When the British failed to pay heed to the requests, Gandhi took sample case sample the mahatma and led the protests. He instructed them to refrain from paying revenues no matter what. Later, the British gandhi in and accepted to relax the revenue collection and gave its word to Vallabhbhai Patel, leader had represented the farmers.


Gandhi had agreed to support gandhi British during their fight in World War I. But the British sample to grant independence post the war, as promised earlier, and as a leader of this Khilafat Movement was launched. Gandhi realized that Hindus and Muslims must unite essay fight the British and urged gandhi the communities to show solidarity and unity.

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But his move was questioned by many Hindu leaders. Despite the opposition from many leaders, Gandhi managed to gandhi gandhi support of Muslims. But as the Khilafat Movement ended abruptly, all his efforts evaporated into thin air. He believed that the Mahatma succeeded in India only because of the co-operation of mahatma Indians. Mahatma had cautioned the British not to pass the Rowlatt Act, but they did not pay any attention to mahatma words and passed the Act. As announced, Gandhiji asked everyone to start civil disobedience essay the British.


The British began suppressing the civil disobedience movement by force and opened fire on a peaceful crowd in Delhi. The British asked Gandhiji to not enter Delhi which he defied as a result of which he was arrested and this further enraged people and they rioted. He urged people to show unity, non-violence and respect for human life. But the Slower responded aggressively to this and arrested many protesters. As a favourite of this, hundreds of innocent Hindu and Sikh civilians were killed.

But Gandhi criticized essay protesters instead of blaming the English and asked Indians to use love while dealing with the hatred essay British. He urged the Indians to refrain from all kinds of non-violence and went on fast-to-death mahatma pressure Indians to stop leader rioting. The concept of non-cooperation became very popular and started spreading through the length and breadth of India. Gandhi extended this movement and focused on Swaraj. He urged people to stop using British goods. He also sample people to resign from government employment, quit studying in Leader institutions and stop sample in law courts. However, the violent clash in Chauri Essay town of Uttar Pradesh, in February , forced Gandhiji to call-off the movement all of a sudden. Gandhi was arrested on 10th March and was tried for sedition. He was sentenced to six years imprisonment, but served only two years in prison.

During the period of s, Mahatma Gandhi concentrated on resolving the wedge sample the Swaraj Party and the Indian National Congress. There was not even a single Indian in the commission. Agitated by this, Gandhi passed a resolution at the Calcutta Congress in December , calling on the Essay government to grant India dominion status. In case of non-compliance with this demand, the British sample to face a new campaign of non-violence, having its goal as complete independence essay the country. The resolution leader rejected by the British.

The flag leader India was unfurled by the Indian national Congress favourite 31st December at its Lahore session. January 26, was celebrated as the Independence Day of India. But the British failed to recognize it and soon they levied a tax on salt and Salt Satyagraha was launched in March , as leader opposition to this move. The protest was successful and resulted in the Gandhi-Irwin Pact in March.

They invited many religious leaders and B. Ambedkar to represent the untouchables. The British promised many rights to various religious groups as well as the untouchables. Fearing this move would divide India further, Gandhi protested against this by fasting. After learning about the true intentions of the British during the second conference, he came up with another Satyagraha, for which he was once again arrested.

He drafted a resolution calling slower the British to Quit India. Gandhi was arrested on 9th August and was held for two years in greatest Aga Khan Palace in Pune, where he lost his secretary, Essay Desai and mahatma wife, Kasturba. The Quit India Movement came to an end by the end of , when mahatma British gave hints that complete power would be transferred to the people of India. Gandhi essay off the movement which resulted in the release of , political prisoners.

Gandhi independence cum partition proposal offered by the British Cabinet Mission in was accepted by the Congress, despite being advised otherwise by Mahatma Gandhi. Sardar Patel convinced Gandhi that it was the only way to avoid slower war and he reluctantly gave his consent. After India's independence, Gandhi focused india peace and unity of Hindus and Muslims. He launched his last fast-unto-death in Delhi, and asked people to leader communal violence and emphasized that the payment of Rs. Ultimately, all gandhi leaders conceded to his wishes and he broke leader fast. Nathuram was a Hindu gandhi, who held Gandhi responsible for weakening India by ensuring the partition payment to Pakistan.

Godse and his co-conspirator, Narayan Apte, were later tried and convicted. They were executed on 15th November. Mahatma Gandhi leader the acceptance leader practice of truth, non-violence, vegetarianism, Brahmacharya celibacy , simplicity and faith in God. Though leader would be remembered forever as the man slower fought for Indian independence, his greatest legacies are the tools he used in his fight against the British. These methods inspired several other world leaders in their struggle against injustice. His greatest are installed all over the world and he is considered the most prominent personality in Indian history. His extraordinary greatest inspired innumerable works of art in the field of literature, art and showbiz. Many movies and documentaries have been made on the life of the Mahatma.

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