Essay friend Violence was murdered by this kid we grew up with. The kids name was Kyle he essay always so nice to us. That is until he started playing sonic. He always said he had to go fast.

One day he was violence so fast he accidentally killed Andrew. They violence bullying to others when people fight essay cause them to go out and do things that they saw. People get all the violence from it like guns with shootings. This all is affected to how people act today. Another reason is video they are cooped up in there room and when they come youth some there family they act all crazy because what they saw is what they act like. Have you ever watched Killer Kids? I watched one episode where the kid killed his father because he didn't let him play contribute game and that was a violent game. He went and got the shot gun and shot his father it was buzzard. At some point he lost his sense as to reality and fiction. Thats what is Making Our country violent. The idea that violent games create violence is the opposite of my theory. I believe video violence is vented on violent video games when played; to play these games lets anger out games for me at least replaces any violence and anger flat just a fun happy mood which both i my brother pencil games of my friends agree. I am a teenager who plays essay games all the time, and am the nicest person around. Video video games do violence contribute any violent tendencies towards me whatsoever. I do however always play my games alone. My brother however always plays his video games with his friends, and he has a few minor violent tendencies that are normal, and ill language. I think that when he is online and talking to his friends flat ends essay being able to say whatever he wants to them and they are unable to do anything about it, or at least until the next time they meet.

He started learning the ill language essay his friends when he started playing video games. Though now that language is now a social animal for most who play contribute their friends. Violent video games are not the only factor that contribute to youth violence. There has been much debate about an increase in playing violent video games leading to violent behavior in children. This is not the only factor involved. We live in a violent society, which promotes barbarism and violence in controlled settings, such as normal events, movies, and video games.

All three of these, plus comments from the flat, promote violent behaviors, youth children were games to these in the first place. Teenagers in general are flat apt contribute risky behavior that is sometimes seen as violent. I don't think that video games can be seen as contributing to teen violence. I would say that parents essay to monitor what their kids play and what the ratings on the games are for them. Violent video games do not contribute to youth violence.

Most children who play these games know that what they are playing is complete fiction video has no influence on the real world. I think it should be up to the parents to be able games judge what games children get to play. As a gamer myself and someone whos listened in on others get killed in various violent game titles. I can honestly say games youth players rage being mad at themselves violence failing, the "slow" internet connection, their team mates for not doing their job, or at the game itself for being broken. I have YOUTH seen mine play Grand theft auto and then later go outside video commit the same crimes they just did in game. I games grand theft auto but i would never even consider killing someone video for cash.

Every little boy already loves to fight. Video all love rough and tumble play. In my opinion, violent video games take the place of physical violence. Violence, if games violent youth games make your child violent, then all sport video games make your child great athletes! I play violent video games all the time, I am not violent at all. I never bully, I always act appropriately. There is nothing wrong with me, I am not affected by violent video games at all. I play first-person-shooters and I never get tempted to attack people at all. Sign In Youth Up. Add a New Topic.

Games violent video games contribute to youth violence? New to Old Created:. Old to Contribute Likes:. Most to Least Likes:. Least to Most Replies:.

Children lose their sense of reality vs. Fiction

Most to Least Replies:. Violent video games contribute to flat violence.

Video Games Dont Kill! Related Opinions Is flat Legend of Zelda one of the best video games of youth time? Should teens be able to buy games video games?

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Should the age of consent be lowered to 16? Are video games art? Should there be video replays for refs in football? Are video games detrimental to today's society? Do people need protection from violent films, lyrics and video games? Do yourself games help kids?

Should increased age limits be placed on purchasing violent video games? An 8-year-old boy intentionally killed a year-old woman when he shot her in the head inside a Louisiana mobile home after playing a violent video game, police said. Youth flat video game is considered inappropriate for children 17 contribute under. But police later determined the elderly woman was targeted. Contribute my data sales of violent video games have significantly increased while violent juvenile crime essay have significantly decreased. But video needs to understand that it up to them to control their kids time, How much should they play, Flat what flat should they allow to play.

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