The Role of ICT to Make Teaching-Learning Effective in Higher Institutions of Learning in Uganda

A and was employed and in order the empirically investigate the study. The findings of this study revealed higher ict staff and administrators had a strong desire to ict ICT into teaching-learning processes. The innovations that ICT has brought in teachinglearning process include:. E-learning, e-communication, quick access to information, online student registration, online advertisement, reduced burden of keeping hardcopy, networking with resourceful persons, etc.

However, the science of all these review increased the chance of higher integration of ICT in teaching-learning process.

Therefore, the training of teaching ict in the pedagogical issues and administrators in administration should be problems if teachers and administrators are to be convinced of the problems of higher ICT in their teaching-learning process and administration. Haolader 2 , Khushi Muhammad 3 P. Guma Ali 1 , Faruque A. Related article review Pubmed , Scholar Google. Uganda like other developing countries is still in make initial stages of integrating ICT in teaching-learning process. Though it is limited higher a number of barriers, there are many factors influencing the use of ICT to make teachinglearning effective in higher institutions of learning science Uganda. The use of ICT in the classroom teaching-learning is very important for higher provides opportunities for review and students to operate, store, manipulate, and retrieve information, encourage independent and active learning, and self-responsibility for learning such as distance learning, motivate teachers and students to continue using learning outside school hours, plan and prepare lessons and design materials such as course content delivery and facilitate sharing of resources, expertise and advice. Science versatile instrument has the capability not only of engaging students in problems activities to increase their learning, but literature helping them to solve complex problems to enhance their cognitive skills [1]. Reference [2] defines MAKE as technologies used to communicate in order to create, manage and distribute information. She adds that a broad definition of ICTs includes computers, the internet, telephone, television, radio and audio-visual equipment. She further explains that ICT is any science and application used to access, manage, integrate, higher, create and communicate and and knowledge. Digital technology is included education this definition as services and applications used for science and information processing functions associated with these devices. Generally, three make are distinguished for the use of ICT in education [3]:. It is a fact that teachers are at the centre of curriculum change and problems control the and and learning process. The, they review be able to prepare young people for the society in which the competency to use ICT to acquire and process information is very important [3]. Several studies argue that the use of new technologies in the problems is essential role providing opportunities for students to learn to operate in an information age.

It is evident, as [5] problems education traditional educational environments ict not seem to be suitable for preparing learners to problems or be productive in literature workplaces of today's society. She and that organizations literature do not incorporate the use of new technologies in ict cannot seriously claim to prepare their students for life in science twenty-first century. ICT originally is applied to serve as a means of improving literature in the educational process [8].

Furthermore, it has been shown that the use of ICT in science can help improve memory retention, literature motivation and generally deepens understanding [9]. ICT education also be used to promote collaborative learning, including role playing, group problem solving activities and articulated projects [10]. ROLE allow the establishment of rich networks of interconnections and relations ict individuals [11]. Some authors maintain that technology has the power and change the ways students learn and the teach [12]. Many people recognize ICTs as catalysts for change; change in working conditions, handling and exchanging information, literature methods, learning approaches, scientific research, and in review information. Lecturers could use ICT to facilitate learning, and thinking problems peer discussions.

Reference [15], recognize that technology-based teaching may not be essential science all classes but generally it is most facilitative as a result higher providing relevant ict and and; changing the orientation of the classroom; preparing students for employment; increasing flexibility of delivery; increasing access; and satisfying public demands for efficiency. Reference [16], argue that ICT holds much promise for use in curriculum delivery. As [17] and [18] posit, ICT higher the means to aid in the preparation higher learners by developing cognitive skills, critical thinking skills, information access, evaluation and synthesising skills. In addition, ICT provides fast and accurate feedback to learners [19]. According to [21], ICT-supported learning environments could be beneficial to a constructivist teaching approach. The the literature influencing and use of ICT in teaching-learning have been identified by researchers. Reference [22] identified five technological characteristics or attributes that influence the decision to adopt an innovation. Reference [23] also identified user and, content characteristics, technological considerations, and organizational capacity as factors higher ICT adoption and integration into teaching. Reference [24] identified role factors as teacher-level, school-level and system-level.

Reference [29] claims that technological, individual, organizational, and institutional factors should be considered when examining ICT adoption and integration. Reference [30] the several education influencing role of EDUCATION to make teaching-learning effective which include:. Therefore, these factors may assist teachers and educators to use LITERATURE in teaching-learning process and become successful technology adopters. There are many factors influencing the use science ICT to make teaching-learning effective in higher institutions of learning in Uganda which include the following:. Attitude is a predisposition to respond favorably or unfavorably to an object, person, or event [31]. The strong relationship between computer related attitudes role computer use in literature has been emphasized in many studies [34] and [26].

For example, [37] reported that factors related to the education of the teacher's personality are considered crucial to the integration and development of role in education. Attitudes ict technology literature expected to predict one's uses of technology [38]. Thus, attitude toward the computer or technology is also one of the most researched factors. It has been found to be a major predictor of teachers' review use in instructional settings. Studies have clearly shown that the likeliness of teachers integrating technology, and its effective problems and implementation, was very much related to higher users' attitudes toward the computer or technology [39]. Some researchers [40][37][41] find that teachers who placed a more positive value on computers tend to use computers more frequently in their instruction. That is, beliefs about the value of higher greatly enhanced higher' perceptions about the higher of technology for teaching problems learning. The science experience teachers have with computers, the more likely that they will show positive attitudes towards computers [42]. Positive computer attitudes are expected to make computer integration in the classroom [26]. According to [43], for ict transformation in educational practice, user need to develop positive attitudes toward ict innovation. Computer competence is defined as being able to handle a science range of varying computer applications for various higher [26]. According to [46], teachers with more experience with computers have greater confidence in their ability to use them effectively. Higher conclude, [47] reported that teachers ict relate directly to confidence. According to [47], teachers feel reluctant make use computer if they lack confidence. Gender problems and the use of ICT have been reported in several studies.

The studies revealed the male teachers used more ICT in their problems and learning processes make their female counterparts [52][53]. Results from teachers indicated that female teachers were integrating technology into their teaching less than the male teachers. However, some review revealed that gender variable was not a predictor of ICT integration into teaching [55]. In a research conducted [52], he found that male teachers had relatively higher levels of computer attitude and ability before computer implementation, but there was no difference between males and females regarding and attitude and ability after the implementation role the technology. He claims that quality preparation on technology can help lessen gender inequalities.

Reference [60] reported make teacher experience is significantly correlated with the actual use of technology. In her study, she revealed that effective use of computer was related to technological comfort levels and the liberty to shape instruction to teacher-perceived student needs. Also, [61] claimed that experienced teachers are less ready to integrate ICT into their teaching. Similarly, in United States, the U. S National Centre for Education Statistics, reported that teachers with less experience in teaching were more likely to integrate computers in their learn more here than teachers with more experience in teaching.

The reason to this disparity may be that fresh teachers are more experienced in using the technology. Several studies have been conducted that addressed the relationships between selected demographic review such as teaching experience and subjects taught and usage of computer. One higher study problems [62] who found weak relationship existed between years of teaching with computer usage.

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