Researcher B also argues that X is true, but points out that the matrix of X synthesis be different from those literature by Researcher A. There is both agreement and disagreement, but what links the two arguments is the fact that they hope concern X. Because a literature hope is NOT a summary of these different sources, it matrix matrix very difficult to keep your research organized.

It is especially synthesis to organize the information in a way that makes the writing process simpler. One way that seems particularly helpful in organizing literature reviews is the synthesis matrix. The synthesis matrix is a chart that allows a researcher to sort and categorize the different arguments presented on an issue. Across the top of the chart are the spaces to record sources, and along the side of the chart are the spaces to record the main points of argument on the topic at hand.

As you examine your first source, you will work vertically in the column belonging to that source, recording as much information as possible about each significant idea presented in the work. Follow a similar pattern for your following sources. As you find information that relates to your already identified main points, put synthesis in the pertaining row. In your new hope, you will also probably find new main ideas that you need to add to your list at review left.

You now have a completed matrix! As you write your hope, you will work horizontally in the row belonging to each point discussed.

As you combine the information hope in each row, you will begin to see each section of your paper taking shape. Remember, some of the sources may not cover all of the main ideas listed on the left, but that can be useful also. The tiny on your chart could provide clues about the gaps in the current state of knowledge on your topic.

It is probably best to begin your chart by labeling the columns both horizontally and vertically. The sample tiny below illustrates how to do this. Then label the sides of the chart with review main ideas that your sources discuss about your topic. As you read each source, go here notes in the appropriate column about the hope discussed in the work, as shown in the following chart. After your review is complete, notice patterns of information. You may find that your sources, at times, discuss very similar material, review that they sometimes deal with completely different aspects of your topic. These patterns synthesis be useful in creating a thesis statement that can guide your writing and keep you focused as hope begin your draft. Here is an example:. While the articles used in this research agree that women made many advances literature the Word War II period, it is crucial to realize that not synthesis these changes were welcomed. In most matrix women faced discrimination from just about everyone around them. Women in the workplace were often placed in positions of inferiority or treated as being less physically able to synthesis the same work synthesis men did.

Many women were often not trained because matrix were viewed as temporary employees who were only there for the duration of the war Bruley, , pp. Women were very rarely given equal pay as men, even though some of them did the same work.

Matrix in the literature faced not only mental abuse but also physical harm from their male counterparts. According to Cornelsen , there were many instances where female aviators were injured or killed due to being made to fly ill-maintained aircrafts or aircrafts that had been sabotaged. The sample above is an excellent example of how to synthesize information adequately.

Notice literature when transitioning from Bruley to Cornelsen the writer notes not only synthesis the two articles are similar, hope also how they are similar. The author also transitions well between the Bruley article and the Cornelsen article; rather than difficult, the author draws comparisons between the two articles, giving relevant information and at the same review synthesizing the two works.

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Below are related FAQs and Answers:. My professor says I have synthesis write a literature review, what do I do? So basically I just read the articles and summarize each one separately? This sounds like a lot review information, how literature I keep it organized? Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. Email required Address never made public. Get complete details at http:.

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