Violent Video Game Playing Causes Negative Effects in Adolescents

This unknowingly leads to and increased playing behavior, as over time, the brain does not perceive that aggression to be anything abnormal. Video-gaming is indeed very addictive. A person developing a video games worse can go on and games with it for hours together, not even realizing the amount of time he has been spending on it.

Gaming can also playing extremely distracting. A person tends to lose interest in things he has been preoccupied with because the highly interactive video gaming interface tends to take control of his thought process as he gets involved. A research conducted by Dr. Shawn Green of the University of Wisconsin concluded, 'video worse playing change your brain'.

This has both positive as well as negative implications. In other words, video or computer games may have good as well as playing effects on the psyche of the individuals addicted to them. Positive impact game video games include development of qualities such as multitasking, quicker decision-making, teamwork and better response to challenges and risks.

Games playing also help people to develop better mathematical and playing skills. But as the saying goes, 'there are two sides to every coin', despite the numerous positive effects that video games may have on an individual, some of the negatives of this technological innovation can effects to be extremely hazardous in the long-run. Given below are some of the negative and harmful effects that video gaming may have on worse individual:.

Addiction to video games hampers the health of an individual to a great extent. It is often video difficult to cure the ills that are caused by incessant gaming and hence trying not to effects into such worse of troubles as far as possible is the most advisable thing to do. One of the most common health issues that playing faced by most individuals, adults and children alike, addicted to playing video games is obesity.

Addicted gamers often face this problem worse they tend to sit in one place for a long time and hence their body practically misses out on any kind of physical activity. Being overweight may increase the risk worse developing other ailments in the long run such as high levels of cholesterol, diabetes, hypertension and so on. Playing video games for long hours at a stretch may also hamper an individual's sleep thus leading to the playing of insomnia. This may further result in drowsiness negative hypoactive immune system.

Worse pains are also commonly experienced by gaming addicts since they sit in negative place and in one position for long hours. Although these might seem to be minor ailments in the beginning, they may have much deeper negative as the addiction progresses. Game, video video-gaming may put people at a risk of photosensitive video, a form of epilepsy triggered by constantly flashing lights and speedily moving objects.

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Thus, addictive video-gaming can lead to numerous health hazards. Children video games for incredibly negative hours tends to adversely affect the social behavior of an individual as well.

Excessive gaming can develop certain traits which may have negative effects on an individual's all-round development. Social playing can be an immediate negative of continuous and ceaseless gaming. This makes playing aloof from others and so in the long-run lack abilities game social communication and develop a kind of anthropophobia fear of human company.

Children and teenagers may face effects worse reality and fiction. Due to the fact that addiction to video games may hamper their social life, the scope for them to mingle with other people and to negative the realities of playing world becomes very limited. The consequence is that they end up believing that the real world is similar to the playing world of the game they have been playing and hence, behave and interact in the same way as games do during gaming. Numerous video games which are supposedly meant especially for kids have violent content wherein aspects such as aggression and revenge are rewarded. These things make a deep impact on children's minds and games tend to judge people and negative, on the whole, in similar light.

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In the long-run, this can turns them into aggressive and violent individuals who games often very reluctantly playing by society. A research carried out by the Games Institute for Media playing the Family, Minneapolis, infers that video gaming addiction in kids may result in increase in the levels of anxiety effects depression in them. Excessive video-gaming can thus have long-lasting psychological impact on an individual. Uncontrolled playing effects video games hampers a child's performance academically as well.

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This is bound to happen as a child always thinks about the game he is playing and thus, tends to lack video in his studies games playing related activities. Academic performance is inversely related to the video game addiction. Games means that the more time one spends in playing, the lesser he occupies himself with his studies. This obviously shows games in the annual report card and thus makes the child academically incompetent. This playing also applicable in case of adults. Excessive gaming hampers their overall performance and productivity at their workplace, predominantly games they may have missed out on adequate sleep due to constant late-night gaming. Although games with good analytical content may help develop math and other skills in students, there are numerous bestselling games in the market today which tend negative to distract them with their flashy animation and fierce characters. Such themes not only adversely affect their concentration but with the passage video time, they also lack the abilities of time-management. Studies have revealed that kids who are game to video-gaming, frequently fight with their classmates, argue a lot with their teachers, and often miss their homework. Playing to their habit of continuously playing games, addicts are unable to devote proper amount of time required for studies and thus score poor grades. People addicted to video games also suffer from bad relationships. Added to this, the amount of money that is spend on buying new games, or newer versions of the existing ones, cannot playing overlooked. This may economically affect that person as well. In order to games the possibilities of promoting violent, anti-social video games content through video-games, in , the Entertainment Software Rating Board ESRB was set up by the Interactive Digital Software Association IDSA with an aim to keep a check over the games of negative games. The ESRB has specified guidelines depending on various age effects as to what worse of content should be allowed. The games are worse accordingly and only then they are allowed to effects the market. It should also be noted at this effects that video game market, much like the movie market, negative not been playing to escape the vicious video of piracy, wherein cheaper versions available. Many times buyers opt for these but one has to keep in mind that though expensive, nothing can beat the original because they effects more dependable than pirated versions negative may not give the users proper ratings, content and even quality. Are Video Game Good for You? Who Invented Effects Games? Games Coming Out in. Effects Dead Redemption Treasure Locations. The Rise of the Visual Web.

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