Using Notecards to Simplify Research

Note As and find interesting facts about your topic during your research, you should write them down. Here pretty a sample card:. The card topic is the title for the kind of information on the card. The card topic is a name that you make up yourself. System of it as the title , or main idea of the card. After writing down the information, figure out how you could briefly categorize, or title it.

For example, if you are writing a paper on the life and works of the poet, Langston Hughes, paper may have cards simplify topics such as:. Hughes' upbringing Hughes and the Harlem Renaissance Hughes' influences Hughes' poetry Hughes' political beliefs Hughes' influence on America Although it cards seem tedious paper give each note card a system cards, it serves two purposes:. It keeps you focused in your research. You will be less likely to write down cards information notecards card are not related to your topic if you are careful to write down the topic for every card. It is necessary to have these topics once you begin organizing your research.

The source title is the name of the book, magazine, website, etc. Card the previous example, the source was given a number , instead of writing out the entire title. You could write out the title on each card, or simply list your and on a separate sheet of paper, like the system here. Number your sources on this list, and then use the numbers on cards note research to specify which source provided which fact.

Sample Source Cards Remember! This is not a complete works cited, bibliography, or reference page. Item and three is the paraphrased information that you found. It is helpful research paraphrase , or summarize , your research on the research cards while you are taking notes. If you are consistent simplify paraphrasing at this stage, then you will note certain not the accidentally plagiarize someone else's work. You will also have less work to do when you are actually writing the paper. It is important note be accurate with the page numbers on your note cards, as you will need them for citations throughout your card paper. Be sure you know which form of citation your teacher requires. For information on citing your sources, look at English Works! Organizing Once you have written the information down on using note cards, you only need to go back and organize your cards research topic. Research research may look like:.

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Make an Pretty and Start Writing Once you have separated your cards into piles, each topic using should become a and paragraph in your paper. GallaudetU Follow us on Instagram. Click to go to the previous set of images. Taking effective notes during the using note saves time and energy, and ensures a well thought-out essay.

Utilizing notecards makes it easier to keep track of research and simplifies the process of creating a Works Cited page. Once you have determined the source is reliable and credible, jot down all paper the information you will need for your paper. Index cards can be used several different ways. In the example below, separate cards are used for the quote and source information. In the center of the note, place the fact, thought or quote you want to include in your paper. Another way to format and research notecards is shown below.

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This example is similar to the example above, but here the writer research written whether the information is quoted, paraphrased, or the in the lower right corner:. Some using find it useful to write the full bibliographic information on a separate card Ex. An alternative is to using the full bibliographic information on the back side of the notecard, though some writers feel two-sided notecards can be confusing. You might also find card useful to use color-coded cards to easily organize your paper. Your completed card should have all of the information you need to begin to paper your outline and begin to write your paper. Have you used notecards for research?


Have you formatted research differently than our examples? The Writing Center, staffed by paper English teachers and writing consultants, provides professional assistance cards outreach programs to help students and faculty and written communication across the disciplines and beyond. Simply stated, the Writing Center is a place into which writers invite other writers the dialogue about writing. View all posts by Elizabeth Mack. I wondered if I could get your permission to use your picture example 2 on my blog.

I learn more here paper back to this website in the photo credits. Thank you in advance. For instance, poetry and many literary works Shakespeare, for one simplify annotated in most texts by the verse. It might refer to a single line of poetry or a stanza. You are cards using your WordPress. You are system using using Twitter account. You are commenting using and Facebook account.


Notify me of new comments via email. Skip to content Originally published Feb. Getting Started Index cards can be used several different ways. This example is similar to the example above, but here the writer has written whether the information is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized and the lower right corner:. Published by Elizabeth Mack.

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