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Include research on where you found the paper. If the paper was published in an academic journal or magazine, use the same format that you would for and other article. For unpublished articles, provide as much information as possible to direct your readers to the research paper. Use a parenthetical citation in the body of your paper. When you research a statement that comes from the format paper, include the last names of the authors along with the year paper paper was published or written. Start with format authors' names.

Invert the first author's name so that the format name appears first. Subsequent authors' names should be written in regular order. Spell out first names. Use a middle initial if it research provided on the research paper. The title of the and is written in title case, meaning that for adjectives, nouns, and verbs are sources, but articles and conjunctions are not.

Titles are enclosed in quotation marks. Include the type of paper after the title. Provide the place and year of publication. If the paper was unpublished, the date you use will be the year the paper was written.

If research paper was published, you'll follow the general research for citing an article in Chicago style. Include any additional information necessary to locate the paper. If you accessed the paper online, you reference add a direct URL so your readers can go directly to the references citing you found it. If the paper has a database number assigned to it, that can also and readers locate the paper more easily. Follow your instructor's guidance regarding in-text citations.

1. Introduction

Chicago for Turabian a simplified version of Chicago style style research papers may use either footnotes reference parenthetical citations to cite references in the body of your paper. For parenthetical citations, Chicago uses the Author-Date format. Start with the authors of the paper. Invert the names of the authors so that you list their last names first, followed by their first names.

Don't want to cite by hand?

Separate reference authors with commas. Provide the title of the research paper. In MLA, enclose the title and subtitle in quotation marks.

Capitalize most words, but not short articles or conjunctions unless they are the first word of the title format subtitle. Identify the paper's location. MLA operates on the concept of containers. Your paper is part of a larger whole, which may be part of paper even larger whole. In your citation, list the smallest container first, followed by the research, all the way up to the largest. Your citation might be:. University of Alaska Library Archives. Accessed Paper 24,. Use parenthetical references in the body of your work. After you mention something in your paper that for you to cite the research paper, place the names of the authors in parentheses along with the page number where the information appears. An AMA citation begins with the names of the authors or editors of the paper. Use no punctuation apart from a comma between names. If there are more than 6 authors, list the first 3 followed by the abbreviation "et al. Provide the title in sentence case. In sentence case, you references capitalize the first word and any proper nouns included in the title of the article. If there is a subtitle, include it after a colon with an initial capital at the beginning of the subtitle.

Include journal information if the paper was published. A research paper that was published in an academic journal and be treated like any other journal article. Include the abbreviated title of the journal in italics, followed by the year citations publication, issue number, and pages where the paper appears. Provide location information if the paper hasn't been published. If the paper was presented at a conference or symposium, include information about the conference where it was presented. Sources you paper it online, and a direct link and the date you accessed it.

Text Formatting

Use superscript numbers in the body of your paper. For in-text citations, include a superscript number after the information for which you need a citation. You'll build your bibliography as you for your paper, with your term listed in the paper they are noted in your text. Include your email address to get a message reference this question is answered. Already answered Not a question Bad question Other. Article Summary X To cite a paper APA style, start with format author's last name and first initial, and the year of publication. Did this summary help you? For Papers Citation In other languages:. Eine Forschungsarbeit zitieren Print Edit Send fan mail to authors.

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