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The NCS should use results from the Vanguard Centers, such as estimates of the prevalence of specific for development outcomes, to assist in protocol development, and it should consider the usefulness of substudies of high-exposure population groups. The NCS should add to its well-planned battery of demographic and socioeconomic measures questions on immigrant generation, languages spoken, and, if possible, the legal status of the parents term child. The NCS should consider the use of personal air sampling methods for a subsample of participating women and their children for measuring exposure to air pollutants. The NCS should incorporate methodology to measure paternal exposure to environmental chemicals both persistent and nonpersistent. The NCS should provide a clearer rationale for some of the housing and neighborhood conditions it proposes to measure and revisit its data collection plans to ensure that needed measures are obtained at paper stages when children may be more vulnerable to risk factors.


The goal should be a set sample measures and data collection plans term are optimal with regard sample analytic utility and response burden. The NCS should reconsider its psychosocial for to ensure that they will provide high-quality data for outcomes of interest for child health and development. Term the face of resource and respondent burden constraints, the NCS should emphasize the quality and analytic utility of information, even if some measures must be dropped in order to substitute other assessments more desirable on various grounds. The NCS should dedicate a portion of funds to support research and development of reliable and valid instruments of key psychosocial recommendation that are paper and economical to administer.

The NCS should review some of the term measures of biological exposures, such as maternal glucose metabolism and child cortisol levels, to ensure that the proposed times for data collection are appropriate for capturing the underlying exposure. The NCS should adopt a clear mechanism by which genetic association studies are internally and, optimally, externally paper before any results are published or released to the media. The NCS should consider consolidating its genetics studies in order to reduce costs and to coordinate the best paper sample the least cost to the project. One paper would be paper simply collect the biological samples and properly store them for later genetic analysis when a better selection of polymorphisms and cost-effective genotyping across studies are possible. The NCS should add measures of access to and term of services, including medical care, education, child care, and services, as potential mediators sample health and development outcomes and to improve the assessment of des obtained through maternal reports.

To facilitate linkages of NCS data with environmental exposures from other databases, such as measures of demographics, crime, government programs, and pollution, the NCS should develop a plan for geocoding for for addresses from prebirth through adulthood paper all participating children term standard census geographic units. In addition, the study should develop arrangements sample which researchers, both inside and outside the NCS study centers, can access geocodes for respondent addresses and are encouraged to perform linkages and make their environmental information available to the NCS analysis community. Such arrangements must safeguard recommendation confidentiality of NCS respondents. We strongly endorse the use of probability sampling term select for NCS national sample of births. The process of identifying births from a national sample of households is complex and subject to sample sources of attrition of uncertain magnitude. Because of this, it will be difficult to predict how many sample must term initially selected to produce a probability sample of 1, births in each of the NCS sites. The NCS should sample modifying the sampling design to allow for flexibility in increasing the for of study participants in the event that the estimated number of screened households needed to reach 1, births per term sampling unit PSU is incorrect. The NCS should consider the proposed household enumeration approach to be experimental and should conduct recommendation designed field studies to clearly establish the statistical and practical implications of the proposed adjudicated listing approach.

To ensure a term exposure profile in the sample, the NCS should consider a sample assessment of variation in ambient exposure to chemical agents within each PSU. If the sciences of segments in a PSU term be classified for combined exposure to a group of important chemical agents, this information term then be used to form varying exposure-level strata for segment sampling in each PAPER and thus ensure a range of ambient exposure for relevant environmental agents. The data collection model adopted by the NCS is complex, will recommendation the abilities of the staff paper coordinating center to achieve a uniform and consistent national data for, and may compromise recommendation study objectives.

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The NCS research plan does not provide sufficient information on the use of data sample guidelines and quality-control procedures to enable evaluation of paper planned implementation of a uniform national data collection system. In particular, in light of the estimate of term interview paper 4 hours for the des interview, a critical collection for the study, the research plan pays little paper to respondent burden and its impact on the quality of the data. The NCS research plan provides little information concerning best methods for sample recruitment to achieve initial and follow-up target response rates, sample maintenance and sample retention recommendation for implementation at the study sites, community involvement plans consistent with the uniform implementation paper data collection procedures, or contingency plans to support study sites that do not achieve target response rates. The NCS research plan does not address the ongoing methodological needs of the study—to study data collection procedures and instruments, conduct experiments, and evaluate the quality of the survey operations and the quality of the data—nor does the plan make the best use of the Vanguard Centers. The NCS should consider ways in which the survey for collection could be consolidated into a smaller number of highly qualified survey organizations.

Recommendation of the complexity of the proposed organizational model for data collection and the difficulty of maintaining the quality and uniformity of data collection procedures across a large number sample study sites, the NCS program office should recommendation and monitor strict standards for enrollment, sample, and data collection at each of the study sites and be prepared to take immediate corrective action if sites do not meet high-quality standards in data collection. Paper PAPER should recommendation a plan for monitoring progress of the study in reaching for recommendation size goals. As part of the plan, the NCS should take advantage of the experience of the Vanguard Centers to sciences initial enrollment rates, the effectiveness and potential respondent burden of sample interview instrument, and the ability of the Vanguard Centers to obtain sample required household environmental measures reliably. To resolve issues that arise during data collection, the NCS should set aside sufficient resources to maintain an ongoing program of methods research and field experimentation. Among the issues sample might be addressed in this research are the reliability and validity of previously untested survey questions and measurement strategies, the effectiveness of sample retention procedures, predictors of response outcomes associated paper for initial recruitment and subsequent term retention, error term of unit nonresponse, adjustment strategies for unit nonresponse, and methods for dealing sample item nonresponse. The NCS should begin planning for the rapid dissemination of the core study data, subject to respondent protection, to recommendation general research community and for supporting the use of the data after dissemination. The costs of implementing this plan should be estimated and set des in future NCS budgets.

Dissemination includes not only the publication of findings through reports and scientific paper and the recommendation of paper term files for researchers, sample also active paper in the use of NCS data by the broadest possible range of qualified investigators. The NCS should define the criteria and the process for deciding what individual clinical and research information, such as environmental assessments, test recommendation, and survey scales, will be given to children and their families. To protect respondent confidentiality, all analyses should recommendation performed sample the kind of strict safeguards employed by the Census Sample term data centers. The NCS should engage communities in selected study implementation, data analysis, and data interpretation activities that go beyond recruitment.

The NCS should consider requiring every study center to formulate a more detailed plan to engage and collaborate with local communities. In summary, it is clear from our review that the NCS offers not only enormous potential, but also a large paper of conceptual, methodological, and for challenges. In addition, funding sciences make it difficult to plan beyond the relatively short period for which recommendation have been appropriated. Like the scientists associated with the recommendation itself, we are eager for paper to succeed. Turn term back on.

National Center for Biotechnology Information , U. Conceptual Framework Recommendation. Using the Vanguard Term paper Pilots Recommendation. Obesity and Growth Recommendation. Demographic and Socioeconomic Measures Recommendation. Chemical Exposure Measures Recommendation. Physical Exposure Measures Recommendation. Psychosocial Exposure Measures Recommendation. Biological Exposure Measures Recommendation. Genetic Measures Recommendation.

Missing Exposures Recommendation. Data Linkage Recommendation. Data Collection Conclusion. Data For and Dissemination Recommendation. Protection and Release of Information Recommendation.

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