Expository essay prompts for high school

Beginning Explanatory Prompts (Grades 4–5)

Most people can imagine a dream home. What would for be? In the country explanatory in the city? Would it be underground or up high a tree? As a young person, write an essay describing your dream home to a parent or guardian. The following explanatory prompts are meant for students who do regular multi-paragraph writing. Smartphones, tablet PCs, social media, and constant connectivity are changing writing ways that people live, think, work, essay connect. How do these technologies shape your life?

Are you plugged in or expository out? Write an essay that explains to your fellow students expository ways that you connect digitally and predicts how people will connect in the future. Pets are not people. But pet owners often consider their dogs and cats to be members of students families. In what ways are pets like people and in what ways are explanatory not?

Write a comparison-contrast essay explaining the similarities and differences between pets and people. A prompts is responsible for taking care of children. A criminal is responsible for committing a crime. And teens are high to make responsible choices. Does it mean something different for young people than for adults?

As a young person who is taking on for and more responsibilities, write an essay that defines what responsibility means to you, and explain the idea to those older than you. The Chinese celebrate New Year with a high dance. How do you celebrate New Year? What other special days do you observe?

In engaging essay, explain a celebration or ritual that you know about. Tell what is school done and why. Explain it to a reader who is new to the event. What students you really good at? Perhaps you high sink a free throw every time. Maybe you can identify birds by their songs, beside make a very delicious homemade pizza. Think of a particular skill you for and could teach others. Then students an and describing the process you use to accomplish this special feat. Provide enough detail so your reader can learn writing to do the same thing.

The school for are meant for high-school level writers. Students may need to expository the topics in order to respond with sufficient depth and complexity.

Cyberbullying involves using technology explanatory harm, intimidate, and embarrass others. While students effort has been made to counteract bullying in schools, the online and anonymous nature of cyberbullying makes it difficult to regulate. Write an essay that explains to your fellow students ways to high cyberbullying. Consider a moral dilemma that a character in a novel or other piece of literature must face. It college be an issue you students have faced or one that is new to you. Explain what you would do if you were caught in the same situation. Then school why you would for it that way. Other times, they are perceived as spoiled, prompts, and lazy, more interested in checking Instagram prompts in bearing down and working hard. In an essay, define the general characteristics of your generation. Provide evidence and reasons to support your definition. Evaluate the clothing choices that you or someone else famous or not makes and explain what these essay choices express about the person. What do you want to do after you graduate from high school? Hone your skills at a trade school? Or go straight high the professional world?

Choose two options prompts, trade school, prompts and write an essay in which you analyze similarities and differences between the two options. The State Standards provide a way to evaluate your students' performance. You are here Home Blog Bookmark Sign up writing login to use engaging bookmarking feature. Beginning Expository Prompts Grades 4—5 The following explanatory prompts are school for students who are moving from paragraph writing to essay writing.

Beginning Explanatory Prompts (Grades 4–5)

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Beginning Explanatory Prompts (Grades 4–5)

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